Home Grown . 26 July


We will be doing "HouseChurch Home Grown" on the 26th of July. For the uninitiated, Home Grown is where someone (maybe you!) in your HouseChurch group is responsible for preparing and presenting the message for that Sunday's HouseChurch gathering.

The passage of Scripture for the 26th July is Luke 12:49-53. This is one of the hard sayings of Jesus that requires deeper thought and preperation.

For those of you who have either willingly put your hand up to present the message on the 26th, or have been nominated by your group (ie. drew the short straw), to equip you in your mission, we've attached a couple of documents to help you out. And remember, you can always go back to the Diaspora's from the 18th - 22nd May which give some helpful instruction on constructing a sermon. Click HERE to find those videos.

Also, we recognise that for some, your time and circumstances mean it would be difficult to prepare a message so we've also prepared an outline for a Bible Study which won't require as much preparation that you can DOWNLOAD HERE.

Additionally, the "How to Construct a Message" document contains links to sites that you should find helpful in your preparation, available HERE.

Finally, there are a couple of potentially tricky verses in this passage (Jesus does like to say some challenging things at times!). Below will be Wednesdays Diaspora where we will address these.

Truly, it is a wonderful thing indeed to dive into God's Word. May revelation from the Spirit flow like a river as you engage with this passage!

Service Times

Sundays 10am and 5pm

33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

Policy Statements


Phone: +61 8 9414 9638

Postal Address: PO Box 3836 Success WA 6964

Church Address: 4/33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

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